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Re: Those pesky light bulbs

Here's a hint folks: Avista is lying. I have a UPS (APC Back-UPS PRO 420) 
on my machine in my office. I log (only for a few days) the low voltage 
events. I get dozens of sub-117v sags a day. This isn't enough to trip the 
UPS into alarm mode but it does happen ALL THE TIME.

Anyone who has a computer (I don't care what kind, cheap, expensive) needs 
to buy a UPS correctly sized for the setup they run. I have computers that 
have lasted many years on UPS without component failure. That, and most UPS 
companies (APC, TripLite) give you an insurance policy with your UPS.

I'm only excitable about this because before I had a UPS for every computer 
I'd lose them all the time to hard drive crashes and weird failures. After 
I got UPS religion, the only thing that kills my computers is my shotgun. 
(Got sick of 4 486's once, took them out and blasted them. VERY therapeutic)

At 10:34 AM 7/31/99 , wrote:
>hmm, I wonder how they explain the frequent power fluxuations and
>momentary power outages.. (we have a surge protector with a "low
>voltage alarm"), it goes off 2 or 3 times a week (some days 3 or 4
>times a day).. and 4 or 5 times a month we get momentary power
>outages.. this is normal according to Avista (IE: there is nothing
>wrong with your service))

"Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will
look upon the Act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest."
   -- Gandhi

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