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Re: Those pesky light bulbs

> Vera White did get somebody from Avista to say that the company was in no
> way at fault. Data on average voltage supplied and deviations from the
> average were not forthcoming, though that would seem relevant.

hmm, I wonder how they explain the frequent power fluxuations and 
momentary power outages.. (we have a surge protector with a "low 
voltage alarm"), it goes off 2 or 3 times a week (some days 3 or 4 
times a day).. and 4 or 5 times a month we get momentary power 
outages.. this is normal according to Avista (IE: there is nothing 
wrong with your service)) 
> Simple logic rules out bad wiring (bad wiring would reduce the voltage and
> lead to the bulbs lasting longer) and leaving the lights burning
> constantly (most of the wear comes when they are first turned on, because
> resistance in the element is lowest when the element is cool and current
> surges then).

Hmm, I do know that quality control in the facotries arn't what they 
used to be... that could be part of the problem?

> I suppose if you had an intermittant connection the bulb could flicker on
> and off rapidly, and stress the element, but it would have to be
> noticeable or there would be no cooling of the element to cause a current
> surge.

wouldn't that be quite noticable?

> So I just continue to replace bulbs more often than should be necessary.

a LOT of people seem to have to do that, I know a shop owner who 
has to buy bulbs by the case...


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