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Re: Pure Culture

I welcome thoughtful debate and questions. At the same time it might be interesting to have a dialogue focused on where free speech stops and hate begins. Many in this community have jumped to a conclusion that my beliefs are intolerant, based in hate, etc.

One of the things we teach in the PSO is to respect those with whom we disagree. I do not believe that Pure Culture includes homosexual life style and various other lifestyles and philosophies. However, do not paint me or the PSO as mass murderers or whatever names you can think of.

Our members do indeed believe in a Pure  Culture much like those promoted by what many would call Aryan Nation. We have no connection to that group-- and have no desire in ever developing any such connection.

Allow me an example of the work we do. Last spring some of our Junior High members in Spokane were behind in their school work. We hired tutoreds (Aryan) and they were challenged to their culture proud. This District allows us to use their schools for meetings-- something I doubt would be possible if we promoted hate. We promote the love of the Aryan Race.

I believe that we share the agenda of the so-called historic peace churches. Interestingly enough we were not allowed to participate in the recent Not In Our Name Advertisement because we were prejudged. It appears that is the way things work in Moscow. Believe it or not, those who believe in the real Aryan cause are peaceful. It is not a sin to be proud of who we are and believe the teachings of the Bible. It is those who lack tolerance who have made a conscious decision to harm us.

I found peace as I watched the sun come over the Palouse (not exactly a basement view). I hope we are close to day when tolerance is not only judged on political correctness.



 Robert Dickow wrote:

< from the current thread recently:

> > Jesus is a Jew... not lily white. I

I would like to remind people that most Jews indeed
are white (=Caucasian) to begin with. I simply wanted
to point out that 'white' is not a separate (*) race at
all ; one could equate white to Caucasian, using
(now admittedly controversial and probably outdated)
anthropological/classic race classes of Homo sapiens
sapiens (**). Under that classification convention,
Indians (Asian Indian) are mostly Caucasian. So are
most Arabian people. One should never forget that
many quite dark-skinned peoples are Caucasian (or
well-suntanned Scandinavians... it's sometimes hard
to tell), and are classified as the same race as some
of us so-called 'white' North Americans. I need not
point out that many whites are actually a sort of
flesh-! tone, or pinkish in color. Some may even sport
a kind of pale, ashen tone, or be multi-colored or blotchy.
(Technically these are known as freckles, I believe.)

But I digress.

For the devout among us, another point of clarification:
Jesus' actual race may not be historically demonstrable,
but he WAS lily white! (***)


(*) Note: We're back to purity again. Let's make it clear
that purity in any kind of racial distinctions is futile and
to a large extent meaningless anyway. Hence the
statement about 'separate race...' is probably misleading.

(**) Nota Bene: There are scientific (genetic, historical)
points that still make some physical anthropologists note
links between some Asian Indians and European stock.

(***) Though born of Jewish parents, Jesus was probably
actually a Catholic.

:-) ;-) ;-)

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