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Re: Pure Culture

< from the current thread recently:

> > Jesus is a Jew... not lily white. I  <snip>

I would like to remind people that most Jews indeed 
are white (=Caucasian) to begin with. I simply wanted 
to point out that 'white' is not a separate (*) race at 
all ; one could equate white to Caucasian, using 
(now admittedly controversial and probably outdated) 
anthropological/classic race classes of Homo sapiens 
sapiens (**). Under that classification convention, 
Indians (Asian Indian) are mostly Caucasian. So are 
most Arabian people. One should never forget that 
many quite dark-skinned peoples are Caucasian (or 
well-suntanned Scandinavians... it's sometimes hard 
to tell), and are classified as the same race as some 
of us so-called 'white' North Americans. I need not 
point out that many whites are actually a sort of 
flesh-tone, or pinkish in color. Some may even sport 
a kind of pale, ashen tone, or be multi-colored or blotchy.
(Technically these are known as freckles, I believe.)

But I digress.

For the devout among us, another point of clarification: 
Jesus' actual race may not be historically demonstrable, 
but he WAS lily white!  (***)


(*) Note: We're back to purity again. Let's make it clear 
that purity in any kind of racial distinctions is futile and 
to a large extent meaningless anyway. Hence the 
statement about 'separate race...' is probably misleading.

(**) Nota Bene: There are scientific (genetic, historical) 
points that still make some physical anthropologists note 
links between some Asian Indians and European stock.

(***) Though born of Jewish parents, Jesus was probably
actually a Catholic.

:-) ;-) ;-)

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