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RE: Pure Culture

I use the term "lily white" in that case only in color... not in mission or
life or morality. Jewish descent peoples are darker skinned I believe, black
hair and dark eyes. I'm certainly no scholar nor even well educated on
peoples and their color so I certainly will stand corrected... The point
being made was to use the bible to segregate or be racist toward people of
color is not a good or even viable crutch, in my humble opinion. Maybe God
is black, maybe God is Native American looking, maybe Chinese, maybe
FEMALE??? woooo now you can hit that ol' reply button. I'll be silent on
this from here on.

LuJane Nisse, Publisher
LatahEagle and The Boomerang! or
or visit us at

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Dickow []
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 11:12 AM
Subject: Re: Pure Culture

< from the current thread recently:

> > Jesus is a Jew... not lily white. I  <snip>

I would like to remind people that most Jews indeed
are white (=Caucasian) to begin with. I simply wanted
to point out that 'white' is not a separate (*) race at
all ; one could equate white to Caucasian, using
(now admittedly controversial and probably outdated)
anthropological/classic race classes of Homo sapiens
sapiens (**). Under that classification convention,
Indians (Asian Indian) are mostly Caucasian. So are
most Arabian people. One should never forget that
many quite dark-skinned peoples are Caucasian (or
well-suntanned Scandinavians... it's sometimes hard
to tell), and are classified as the same race as some
of us so-called 'white' North Americans. I need not
point out that many whites are actually a sort of
flesh-tone, or pinkish in color. Some may even sport
a kind of pale, ashen tone, or be multi-colored or blotchy.
(Technically these are known as freckles, I believe.)

But I digress.

For the devout among us, another point of clarification:
Jesus' actual race may not be historically demonstrable,
but he WAS lily white!  (***)


(*) Note: We're back to purity again. Let's make it clear
that purity in any kind of racial distinctions is futile and
to a large extent meaningless anyway. Hence the
statement about 'separate race...' is probably misleading.

(**) Nota Bene: There are scientific (genetic, historical)
points that still make some physical anthropologists note
links between some Asian Indians and European stock.

(***) Though born of Jewish parents, Jesus was probably
actually a Catholic.

:-) ;-) ;-)

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