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Term Limits


      Term Limits is the big issue in Boise today.  I would like 
constituents to e-mail me their positions on the issue.
To date the e-mail, snail mail, faxes, and calls from Dist 5 are running 
about 70% against and 30% for term limits. Frankly, I don't think anything 
is going to happen and that term limits will still be in place by the end 
of the session.  I've always been against term limits since you can vote 
the rascals in or out.  Every two years there is about a 25% turnover rate 
in the Legislature.  Another issue is  --  should we have term limits for 
Supreme Court and Appellate Judges?  A lot of out of state money comes in 
to their races.

      Again, please let me know your stand on term limits by emailing me at

Rep. Tom Trail

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