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RE: this applies to Iran and Iraq as well!

What you don't realize is that all that aid was not for other peoples
benefits... it was for ours. The fact is that our government has not done
anything abroad unless it maximizes our interests. We have been very selfish
in this way. The American people, on the other hand, through NGOs have given
a considerable amount of aid to other countries.

The fact remains that other countries would not need our help if we did not
keep them down. The Middle East is always in trouble because when they are
not they demand fair compensation for their oil! Oh... we can't have that
now. We are Americans... God has said that we must have cheap oil so we can
destroy this earth without any obstacles. Mass transit? That is a
communism... efficient car? Then how will the oil company executives pay for
their yachts? We are capitalists and care only about one thing. We want more
toys... we want the world to be our slave... they don't matter anyway...
they are all dark skinned and not like us. We are white and pure and our
needs are more important. Who cares that genocide killed so many in Africa?
They don't have anything we want... there is no national benefit to be
gained from stopping the tyranny... so we watch and so the American people
don't get distracted with reality we will start an outrage with Billie's
infidelity problem and people will suddenly be attracted to that and not see
what is going on in the real world. We have been so brainwashed... we have
sat behind the TV with no intelligent thought for so long that we have a
hard time dealing with reality. We are a nation in sleep... even now... we
have been jarred a bit... we cannot fathom why people attack us with such
animosity. Why? Because we have no concept of reality. We have followed our
government instead of what this government was created to be. We are no
longer a nation of the government of the people for the people... we are a
nation where a few big wigs control all of us. They have this artificial
reality made for us. They can entertain us on TV and show us what they want
and never follow the controversial reality of the outside world. We have
given up our freedom for comfort. We are lazy... we don't want to learn
about the rest of the world... we just want to take advantage of everyone
and have them thank us when we throw a scrap of food to them. We want
countries to kiss our butt because we could just nuke them but we wont...
see how benevolent we are?

Incase some of you don't get it... this message contains a lot of racial
statements that are stated with sarcasm. Please study the real meaning of
the word sarcasm and comprehend this letter accordingly!

"Your brother in arms"

-----Original Message-----
From: P C []
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2001 7:50 AM
Subject: Re: this applies to Iran and Iraq as well!

Why yes, America is the root of every single problem that exists in the
world.....DIDN'T YOU KNOW THAT!!?  Makes me want to barf when these hand
wringers come out of the woodwork to criticize the greatest country in
the world -- and conveniently forget just who is the biggest contributor
to helping other nations and peoples.  Gosh, who was it that supplied
the resistance in Afghanistan with the majority of their money and
weapons when the Soviet Union was attempting to destroy them?   That's
been conveniently ommitted.  Tell you what, why don't you give your job,
house, car, and every other tangible asset you have to these poor
downtrodden peoples -- for you see, IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT you "IGNORANT"
Americans!  By the way, when the WTC incident occured I ran right out
and traded my evil SUV for a Yugo hoping to preclude another attack that
must have been caused by me and others like me.

I will tell you's time we start taking care of America, her
people, and her future, or the ship's going to start to sink -- hell,
already started.  It's time for action not agonizing -- wake up!

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