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RE: this applies to Iran and Iraq as well!

Its funny... I wonder why these guys resort to terrorism... could it be that
we are so arrogant and ignorant that we cannot see our own faults? This is
the second time you have questioned patriotism sir... you can try to smooth
things over and say you weren't but the fact is you are. This is a very
dangerous thing to do. No one is condoning the events of last week... we are
trying to figure out the "why" to the equation and for those of us who have
actually been there and seen the atrocities "our friends" commit with our
help see a correlation. If you find this unpatriotic I am very sorry. It is
precisely this attitude that causes damage to our great country and society.
This is precisely why the majority of readers in this forum dare not speak
up in fear of retaliation from a few people who act abusively.

You may think us unpatriotic because we are looking within for the cause.
The reason we do this is to see if we can't solve the problem. Quite frankly
I think those who blindly follow are the unpatriotic ones. Our country is
based on freedom and justice. It appears that some have a problem with our
fundamental way of life in this country. I am very sorry to have to say this
but I wonder why some people are so careless with our future. I have a
problem with a few of the members of this list repeatedly making aggressive
and inappropriate statements by which they bully the rest into silence. My
last country was taken over by a bunch of mindless bullies... I will not
allow it to happen again. All the threats I have received just make me that
much more determined to fight. I am fighting Bin laden... he has invaded my
country and has turned a few weak people against their brother. It is sad
but true. He has scared some of us so badly that we are attacking one
another. This is exactly what he wants. He has forced our president to act
like a high school jock and resort to cowboy diplomacy. He has effectively
ended reasonable discussions because anyone who questions this country is
now against this country by decree of king George! If we allow this to
happen he has already beaten us... we might as well elect him supreme ruler
and get it over with.

"Your brother in arms"

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2001 12:21 AM
Subject: Re: this applies to Iran and Iraq as well!

In a message dated 9/21/01 8:52:40 PM, writes:

<< And who will cut out the cancer in our foreign policy, which caused the
blow-back of the twin towers and makes every American a hostage to the
threat of additional attacks?  Perhaps the surgery should begin at home.

Gee, I'm glad to have it pointed out we are the cause of all this.

Call 1-800-Binladin and tell him you want to help him point out our errors
killing more civilians.

You have got to be kidding.

Walter Steed

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