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Re: this applies to Iran and Iraq as well!

Why yes, America is the root of every single problem that exists in the
world.....DIDN'T YOU KNOW THAT!!?  Makes me want to barf when these hand
wringers come out of the woodwork to criticize the greatest country in
the world -- and conveniently forget just who is the biggest contributor
to helping other nations and peoples.  Gosh, who was it that supplied
the resistance in Afghanistan with the majority of their money and
weapons when the Soviet Union was attempting to destroy them?   That's
been conveniently ommitted.  Tell you what, why don't you give your job,
house, car, and every other tangible asset you have to these poor
downtrodden peoples -- for you see, IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT you "IGNORANT"
Americans!  By the way, when the WTC incident occured I ran right out
and traded my evil SUV for a Yugo hoping to preclude another attack that
must have been caused by me and others like me.

I will tell you's time we start taking care of America, her
people, and her future, or the ship's going to start to sink -- hell,
already started.  It's time for action not agonizing -- wake up!

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