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RE: this applies to Iran and Iraq as well!

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>Gee, I'm glad to have it pointed out we are the cause of all this.

You know, if you look at all of the governments we've overthrow, all
of the dirty little wars we've funded or provided "technical
assitance" for, and all of the crap we've done in Central America,
you could make the argument that it is payback for our overseas

If you take the 7000, or 10000, or 20000 dead civilians from 9/11 and
divide that over the number of years the CIA has been in operation,
does the cost/benefit analysis work out in our favor or their favor?
I bet it's in our favor by an order of magnitude. What about all of
the regimes we've propped up who killed the people we were 'helping'?
I bet it's two orders of magnitude in our favor.

And before you reach for the "that's the cia, not civilians!"
argument: we put them in power. The government of the United States
comes from We, The People. Everything they do they do in our name. If
the people of the United States rose up and demanded an accounting of
what the CIA was doing, we would have it. They did it in Russia. They
did it in East Germany. Why can't we know what our very own secret
police are up to? Or does looking in the mirror and seeing a person
who supports our continued subversion of the will of free people
throughout this world sicken you? Or do you even think of that at all
as you march in perfect lockstep to burn the Reichtag? Do you care
that our will is not the world's?

>Call 1-800-Binladin and tell him you want to help him point out our
>errors by  killing more civilians.

If you're not marching in lockstep, you're assisting the enemy? What
a strange line of reasoning. I guess you can no longer disagree with
the New World Order without getting sent to a re-education camp, eh?
What will you do when the SS (sorry, office of homeland security) of
the New World Odor come to get you, Mr Steed, and you have already
sent all that would defend you to the camps?

Ry Jones
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