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Re: this applies to Iran and Iraq as well!

In a message dated 9/22/01 12:39:31 AM, writes:

<< If you're not marching in lockstep, you're assisting the enemy? What
a strange line of reasoning. I guess you can no longer disagree with
the New World Order without getting sent to a re-education camp, eh?
What will you do when the SS (sorry, office of homeland security) of
the New World Odor come to get you, Mr Steed, and you have already
sent all that would defend you to the camps? >>

I will not apologize for continuing to believe we are the good guys when 
compared to terrorists (and they are just that).  In WW2 our parents didn't 
stop Hitler and his evil by wondering if Germany was mistreated in the Treaty 
of Versailles.  They knew what had to be done and did it.  I hope there are 
enough of us who understand we need to do the same with the evil that now 
confronts free people everywhere.  Working on the why is fine to a point but 
on Sept. 11 it went beyond that point.

Walter Steed

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