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Re: this applies to Iran and Iraq as well!

At 11:12 PM 9/20/2001 -0700, Douglas Whitney wrote:
>When a smoker gets lung cancer, he has to have some one dig in, find the
>cancer, and kill it. It does not matter that he may have had a part in
>creating the malignancy, as we did with some of our misguided foreign policy
>over the last 60 years. This malignancy must now be rooted out and killed.

And who will cut out the cancer in our foreign policy, which caused the 
blow-back of the twin towers and makes every American a hostage to the 
threat of additional attacks?  Perhaps the surgery should begin at home.

Bob Hoffmann
846 Mabelle St.
Moscow, ID  83843

Tel: 208 883-0642

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