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Re: this applies to Iran and Iraq as well!

<<I'm not sure what "Your brother in arms" is intended to convey, but the 
President reiterated tonight before Congress, "If you are not with us against 
terrorism, you are against us."  To not support the U.S. and its chosen 
course of action in this fight is to turn a blind eye to the potential of 
even greater devastation in the future.>>

This is apparently the paragraph that "my brother in arms" and Tex have taken 
to be a comment against Shahab's patriotism.  It never entered my mind.  My 
point was that in light of the enormity of the terrorists acts to worry about 
what we have done, to worry about the way our government proceeds against 
those who did this and others who might do similar or worse acts is begging 
the question.  I said, "To not support the U.S. and its chosen course of 
action" with emphasis intended on the latter.

If reaction to the above paragraph is that it questions patriotism is in the 
mind of the reader.  It wasn't in mine.

Walter Steed 

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