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RE: this applies to Iran and Iraq as well!

No one is speculating... we are considering possibilities and discussing
outcomes of those possibilities. My fears are caused by historical
methodologies and the general attitudes of now minority of our citizens. All
I am saying is that we cannot make the same mistakes again. Too much is at
stake now.

"Your brother in arms"

-----Original Message-----
From: Judi Thompson []
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 6:54 PM
To: Shahab Mesbah
Cc: Moscow Vision 2020
Subject: Re: this applies to Iran and Iraq as well!

Gosh...we do have a lot of speculation on this list.  I doubt if more
than a few people in the world know what "our" actions will be.  Maybe
we should start some sort of a betting pool as to the date and methods
used.  We could give the proceeds to the American Red Cross.

Then we could all speculate if special forces move in under the cover of
"The rockets red glare".  As the President stated last night...the
public may not know some of the actions and the successful missions.  We
may not know the failures, either.

Bush may not be considered the "brightest rock in the box" but he is
surrounded by a lot of wonderful leaders within this country and the
world.  Pray for our leaders, the families drowning in grief and give a
smile to all those around you.

p.s.  Last night at the Fairco station a young woman stole our Red Cross
Donation jar.  No more than $10.00 was taken as we had just deposited
the funds.  Never thought that would happen in Moscow, Idaho!

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