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Re: All Taxpayers - Raise your Hands!

I'm saying that someone can whine all they want about programming changes;
in order to be effective in changing them, join the ranks of people who are
paying extra in direct contributions to get the programming THEY want on
NPR. Every fund raiser NPR does is explicit: donate while you are listening
to the programs you want kept on the air. Apparently, someone who was
actually willing to contribute did so while listening to programs they
wanted kept on the air; and it was obviously not the shows that have been
dropped. Vote with your dollar, as the saying goes.

----- Original Message -----
From: G M <>
To: Keith and Margaret Howe <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 1999 5:23 PM
Subject: All Taxpayers - Raise your Hands!

> --- Keith and Margaret Howe <> wrote:
> > Just as a matter of curiosity, would all those who
> > actually donated any
> > useful sum of money to NPR during their last
> > fund-raising drive please raise
> > their hands?
> If I'm catching the drift - is the implication here
> that UNLESS you are contributing "usefully" to NWPR
> you should refrain from criticizing or providing
> feedback on NWPR programming decisions?
> First of all, if you are a taxpayer, you ARE
> contributing (and I assume NWPR management would
> consider any contribution "useful").
> Secondly, even if you aren't a taxpayer, as a citizen
> you have every right to speak your mind concerning any
> entity holding an FCC license.  Even though it's
> difficult to imagine at times, the airwaves still
> belong to us, the American people.
> Greg Meyer
> =====
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