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Re: All Taxpayers - Raise your Hands!

There is a fallacy with your argument.  When I send in my contribution, it
does not mean that I am supporting just one program, it means that I sponsor
the total programing of NWPR.  The argument is over the validity of the
Arbitron ratings which is seperate from any fund raising effort of NWPR

----- Original Message -----
From: Keith and Margaret Howe <>
To: Vision2020 <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 1999 7:28 PM
Subject: Re: All Taxpayers - Raise your Hands!

> I'm saying that someone can whine all they want about programming changes;
> in order to be effective in changing them, join the ranks of people who
> paying extra in direct contributions to get the programming THEY want on
> NPR. Every fund raiser NPR does is explicit: donate while you are
> to the programs you want kept on the air. Apparently, someone who was
> actually willing to contribute did so while listening to programs they
> wanted kept on the air; and it was obviously not the shows that have been
> dropped. Vote with your dollar, as the saying goes.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: G M <>
> To: Keith and Margaret Howe <>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 1999 5:23 PM
> Subject: All Taxpayers - Raise your Hands!
> > --- Keith and Margaret Howe <> wrote:
> > > Just as a matter of curiosity, would all those who
> > > actually donated any
> > > useful sum of money to NPR during their last
> > > fund-raising drive please raise
> > > their hands?
> >
> > If I'm catching the drift - is the implication here
> > that UNLESS you are contributing "usefully" to NWPR
> > you should refrain from criticizing or providing
> > feedback on NWPR programming decisions?
> >
> > First of all, if you are a taxpayer, you ARE
> > contributing (and I assume NWPR management would
> > consider any contribution "useful").
> >
> > Secondly, even if you aren't a taxpayer, as a citizen
> > you have every right to speak your mind concerning any
> > entity holding an FCC license.  Even though it's
> > difficult to imagine at times, the airwaves still
> > belong to us, the American people.
> >
> > Greg Meyer
> >
> >
> > =====
> >
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