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Re: Moscow Schools

I thought mission statements were more specifically focused, like:

The mission of the Moscow School District is to provide such excellent 
educational opportunities that the community recognizes that its own 
mission includes investing in the future of our students.

My input. BL

>From: (Lois Melina)
>Subject: Moscow Schools
>Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 09:24:15 -0800 (PST)
>I am one of the parent representatives to a committee from the Moscow 
>District that is working on a new mission statement for the district, 
>well as a vision statement, and a strategic plan that can be used, 
>other things, to apply for grants from the Albertson's Foundation.
>1. I would like your comments on the DRAFT mission statement that we've 
>working on. The mission is designed to be short, easily remembered, and 
>statement of why we (the school district/education system) exists.
>(Obviously, it won't say everything.)The DRAFT we would like comments 
on is:
>                The community's mission:
>                To invest in the future of our students
>2. The vision statement is still being drafted. This is to be a lofty,
>future-oriented statement that says, "If we had a perfect world and
>unlimited resources, what would our schools be like 1, 5, 10, or 50 
>from now?" It can be longer than the mission statement, and in fact, we 
>looking at a kind of bulleted list of visions.
>Please send me your visions on our school system.
>Thank you,
>Lois Melina
>Lois Melina
>Editor, "Adopted Child" newsletter
>P.O. Box 9362
>Moscow ID 83843
>phone: (208)882-1794
>fax: (208)883-8035

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