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Re: Recycling

Thanks for posting the info to the 2020 list and making the offer to 
field coomments.
I was surprised by the seeming complexity of the system.  But the more I 
looked at it, the more I felt that the citizens of Moscow will be able 
to handle it.
I do appreciate the very ambitious effort to recycle a large variety of 
I hope the system works, and expect that we will do our part to keep our 
bins organized and effective--and on the curb on the correct day. BL

>From: Relene Johnson <>
>Subject: Recycling
>Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 17:54:20 -0800
>Seems to be some interest out there regarding curbside recycling and
>other waste reduction issues.  I apologize for the length of my
>response, but so many issues have been raised that I felt it necessary.
>Please feel free to contact me.  I welcome your comments, questions and
>Relene Johnson, CEO
>Latah Sanitation, Inc./Moscow Recycling
><< RecyclingMisconceptions0399.doc >>

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