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Re: ironic, ain't it?

I'm opposed to the banner for more abstract reasons. It seems that
more and more facets of our life are being invaded by corporate

The same phenomenon can be seen with the Jazz Festival. What used to
be a small and intimate community event has mushroomed under the
"bigger, better, more" philosophy. Have you noticed that fully HALF of
this year's jazz festival poster is taken up with corporate logos?

More and more Moscowites are shunning the festival. I've heard reasons
spanning from "it's gotten too big and crowded" to that it's "sold

I remember the same thing happening with the Boise River Festival to
the point where a citizen's group, Boiseans Against the River Festival
was formed.


Dreading the day when the Farmer's Market is held in the "Walmart/AT&T
Friendship Square"

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