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Re: Overlays

> Or maybe we just don't like dialing so much. Not all of us have
> programmed our Palm Pilot to dial our friend via the cell phone at a
> specific time of day; many of us have to manually enter the digits. 

Radio Shack sells a $15 tone dialer that holds (IIRC) 30 numbers.
It takes up some pocket (or purse) space. Makes credit card and
calling card calls MUCH easier.

> Also, the greater the number of digits in a phone number, the more
> likely that the number will be either transcribed or dialed
> incorrectly. (Why do you think 911 is only three digits long?) 

Not buying it. You're the one who maps "2" and "3" to "882" and "883".
You're telling me you wouldn't map '208' to '2' and '999' to '9'?
"My number is 9-2-5678". That was hard. Non portable, but hard.

> If everyone in the country is dialing eleven digit numbers, regardless
> of WHO they are trying to reach, then is the likelihood of getting a
> wrong number at 3 am from some drunk in NYC that was trynig to call
> his wife to explain why he isn't home yet also greater?!

Drunks in NYC already have to dial 11 digits, duh. If they dial 208
instead of 718 (hey, he's drunk) you're getting the call regardless.

> This is not the kind of world i want to live in! 

Oh! The horrors of phone calls! Arg! I wish they made a device that
would answer the phone at night so I would not be disturbed!
Maybe a device that would play a message to the caller, and then
record a message from them! The world would be so much better! Then
I could turn off the ringer on my phone and get a solid night of

Word to the wise: Deliverance can be yours, just unplug the phone at
night. Better buy a pager, though, so your family can page you in
emergency situations. :)

Ry Jones
Airgap Networks / Moscow, ID 419 730 2199 (fax)

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