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Columbine H.S. Tragedy - No Simple Solutions

Another incredibly tragic story unfolds, for some us
"live" on 5 or 6 networks.  

By the evening (even before) special tv graphics are
composed and the tragedy is assigned various catchy
names ("Killing at Columbine", "Columbine Killing
Fields", etc.) enticing viewers to stay tuned.  The
reporters all have good hair.

The President appears before cameras reminding us that
we should search for ways to solve our problems
without resorting to violence.  Moments later
satellites deliver us images of cruise missiles
raining down on Belgrade, laser guided bombs falling
on refugee convoys.

In the wake, the morning after finds many of us
wondering why and what we can do to make our local
schools more secure, our children less vulnerable.  

The radio waves and listserves are filled with
ideas/solutions that are frighteningly simple in
nature:  a return to mandatory school dress codes or
uniforms, metal detectors, police patrols, even
informant networks that alert school staff and
authorities to students who are suspect, acting
strange or dressing beyond the norm.  

It is understandable why parents of school-aged
children are in a panic.  Both of my children survived
the harassment and violent episodes and culture they
both experienced at Moscow H.S..  I tried, in vain, to
make a difference, visiting with administrators,
attending a Parent's Advisory Committee meeting,
confronting members about "The Gauntlet", the lack of
hall monitoring and the free hand bullies seemed to be

I fear there are no simple solutions, that the
violence being bred is rooted deep in our culture, and
that, to some extent, we are all responsible.  

I'm not suggesting there is nothing we can do.  I
strongly believe there is much we can do and a
contemplative, serious local and national dialogue
should ensue.  That is how future crises can be

But resorting to the usual means of ignoring a problem
until becomes a crisis, or worse, proclaiming a crisis
that does not exist and then, in either case,
resorting to drastic measures in an attempt to put out
the fire, will only result in more carnage, more
injustice and less freedom for all of us.

It's not going to be easy or quick.

Greg Meyer
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