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Re: columbine h.s.

Personally, our whole society requires an overhaul.  Lack of personal 
responsibility, lack of respect for authority - including parents, lack of 
conscience, lack of parenting, materialism, violent culture, lack of 
consequences, lack of morals, intrusion of government, etc.

I would add that it isn't entirely guns.  That is a too-simple explanation 
which completely ignores that we're likely talking about reasonably 
intelligent people here.  Arguably, guns were just as common and likely less 
secured back in the 50s, 60s, and 70s - and we didn't have this problem.  
Guns are tools.  They can be used for good.  They can be used for bad - BY 
BAD PEOPLE.  Oh yeah - these guys had pipe bombs!  Over 30 found (doesn't 
include the ones expended during the attack) as of the latest report I heard. 
 Aren't pipe bombs illegal for a minor to have?  Oh yeah - criminals don't 
care . . .  

I will agree that the presence of guns doesn't help.  But what parent allows 
their kid to keep his own gun collection at home?  Is this common?  Am I 
crazy to think that's ridiculous?

I think I finally agree with Hillary - It Takes A Village - because so many 
adults have completely abandon their responsibilities.

A guy on Oprah had an interesting point.  "Loners" are often seen as 
different, quiet, slightly depressed, etc,  - and nothing gets done.  Only 
when we think they are a serious threat to themselves or society do we act to 
assist them.  Why isn't the fact that the teen is suffering pain of some sort 
enough to require intervention?

E. O'Daniel

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