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Friends of the Library Book Sale Success

The Friends of the Moscow Library annual book sale last Saturday at Eastside
MarketPlace was the most successful ever. The Post Office may have been
right in declaring that the Friends of the Library, after over a hundred
years of supporting the library, is not a non-profit organization, for we
made over $5300. “Profits” from the book sale will be used to support the
Children’s Reading Program this summer. We expect 1500 children to benefit
from our “profit” making activity.

Of course our success would not have been possible without tremendous
community support and volunteers who generously gave their time and energy.
Without donating the space at Eastside MarketPlace, some of our profit would
have gone for rent. We thank the Bennett family for their ongoing support as
well as Donna Kendall and Vicki Jahns for all their help at Eastside
MarketPlace. Pasta Etc., El Mercado, and Basically Bagels were generous in
donating food to sustain the volunteers while they humped and sorted books.
We are grateful to David Mucci at the University of Idaho for his continuing
support and to the Moscow School District for allowing us to store books in
the 1912 High School building.

Without Phil Sowa, the commanding officer of the Naval ROTC, and the ROTC
volunteers, we might still be unpacking books. ROTC volunteers included:
James Brawley, Brett Caron, Eric Christenson, Jennifer Eixenberger,
Katherine Hartley, Eric Isaacson, Justin McCaffree, Robert McKenzie, Gregory
Morrison, Shawn Miller, William Parker, Jon Sunderland, Durand Tanner, Bert
Tompkins, Keegan Welch, Daniel Zuckschwerdt, John Dzialoski, Chad Fishcher,
Zachary Garcia, Joseph Gehrke, Brian Hansen, Jesse Hill, Kenneth Holinger,
Mark Lapaglia, Matthew Mackay, Grant Nollman, William Parker, Mark
Schuchmann, Matthew Smidt, Ignacio Valadez.

Volunteers from the Friends and the community included: Bob & Sylva Staab,
Jay O’Laughlin, Benning Jenness, Martha Schmidt, Toni Smith, Lori Keenan,
Tim & Romana Hillebrand, Liz & Jack Sullivan, Joanne & Chuck Sutton, Pat
Hautala, Joan Klinger, Sid Eder, Dee Marchingham, Betsy Dickow, Bob Greene,
Betty Hervey, Paul Conditt, Sara Holup, Ron Doebler, Amy Ford, Pat Olson,
Tom & Barb Hipple, Mark Beauchamp, Sally Fredericks, Kate Grinde, John
Sturgul, Kathleen Hardcastle, Renee Smith, Cassie Whitman, Lynn Baird,
Rosemary Huskey, John Hasko, Nancy Young, Jo O’Donnell, Jan Rauk, Mary Jo
Hamilton, Georgette Amos, Ruth Bode, Karen Lewis, Louis Regelin, David
Sherman, Robert Park, Jackie Coan, and Warren & Pauli Owens.

We wish to recognize and thank the Alpha Zeta Honor Society of the
University of Idaho College of Agriculture for taking all the leftover
children’s books and sending them to Africa. We are also grateful to Latah
County Sanitation for accepting our remaining books at the Recycling Center
and for making them available to those interested before disposal.

I would personally like to express my gratitude to Bob Greene and Betsy
Dickow of Book People of Moscow for being our Best Friends and for their
efforts and support beyond the call of duty.

Finally, I am particularly appreciative of the publicity given to our event
and the support shown by the Moscow/Pullman Daily News. Of course without
Jennifer O'Laughlin's able guidance as chair of the committee, it would have

Thank you everyone for making the Friends of the Library Book Sale such a
successful event. See you at our auction in October.

Tim Hillebrand
President of the Board of Directors

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