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Re: pizzaville and Moscow's future ecomony.

And with farm crop prices the way they are, and with no great increases in

Some farmers are adapting.  We could help by encouraging grocery stores to
buy from local producers instead if importing products we can make and
grow here.  Farmers can do well if they diversify but it's up to us
consumers to create a market for local goods.  

A small processing plant located here would go a long way toward helping
local farmers.  If we could clean and process organic beans, peas, and
other crops here we could export a high value product.

Moscow needs to serioulsy look at some quick answers.

I'm not sure "quick" will get us the results we want.  Farm prices have
been low for a long time. People have been moving away for a long time.  
Failing to look at and plan for the long term is what gets us in trouble.


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