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pizzaville and Moscow's future ecomony.

Moscow seems to be at a very critical crossroads presently in regards
to the economy and how,if any,growth will occur. Tonight's article in
regards to the possibility that people are moving away, thus less
students attending Moscow schools, thus teachers/staff may be laid off.
If this is true (415 less students forcasted), this will affect many
community members. And with farm crop prices the way they are, and with
no great increases in sight, less money will be spent here in town as
farm families cut back on big ticket items and everyday needs (gas,
food, clothing, etc.). If two major sectors of our economy (other than
the universities, Gritman, state and federal employers) are experiancing
depression, Moscow needs to serioulsy look at some quick answers.
Granted maybe a Microsoft and Boeing plant won't spring up on the
outskirts of towm (and I would not take the computer industry as the are
as fragile as agriculure, just look at their multimillion dollar plant.
that sits empty down in Utah). What does the Chamber of Commerce see as
possible leads of new industry/business?. We cannot depend on students
and wheat alone.

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