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I can answer some of your questions regarding the benefits package at Latah
County.  I believe that domestic partners would qualify for the same
benefits as spouses and children which are health, optical and dental.
Latah County pays the full amount for each employee to be covered by
insurance.  Employees pay to have dependants on their insurance.  The
Commissioners voted to raise the amount the County pays for dependent
coverage from 25% to 50% effective in March 1999.  Until March, employees
with dependants were paying 75% of the insurance costs themselves.  I now
pay $59.56 per month to have my child on the health insurance plan.  I also
pay to have my child on the dental insurance and I think that it runs about
$35 per month.  Currently, county employees have the option to pay for extra
benefits for their dependants such as life insurance.  I do not know if
domestic partners would be eligible for that benefit.  I believe that the
amount to have just a spouse on the insurance is more than the price to have
one child and no other dependants.

Truthfully, I don't think it's too much to ask that domestic partners be
covered.  Employees are paying an equal amount if not more depending on
which benefits their dependants are covered under.  Also, the 50% the county
is paying for dependant insurance is only budgeted for six months, March to
September 1999.  If the money is not budgeted again then the county would be
paying much less than the employees to cover dependants.

I wish I could be more help with this but I don't have the paperwork with me
that lists the amounts it costs to add dependents to the benefit package.

Nikki Agidius

----- Original Message -----
From: Judi Thompson <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 09, 1999 1:24 PM

> As I look at the domestic partners issues several questions come to
> mind.
> Can anyone tell me what the benefit program is for current spouses of
> Latah County employees?  Also what cost does the employee pay for spouse
> and dependent children?  What is the county's share of the costs?
> How many current partners would be added with the adoption of the
> domestic partners program?
> Does this include health insurance, life insurance, and retirement
> benefits along with accidental death benefits?  Does this concept
> "match" with what the state of Idaho does for its employees?
> What other agencies or employers are offering coverage for domestic
> partners?
> I also want to make sure I understand the definition of domestic
> partner.  This includes same sex partners and unmarried heterosexual
> partners that have lived together for 6 months.  How does the county
> employee dissolve this "relationship" and coverage?  Will the county and
> insurance companies face lawsuits from partners when and if the
> relationship dissolves regarding dates of coverage?
> I have a lot more questions than answers.  Can anyone help clarify this
> issue for me?
> Judi Thompson

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