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Re: Unalienable Rights...


Don Kaag wrote:

>Our military is apolitical.  They serve the people of the United States and 
>their Constitution.

The Pentagon and the military are in bed with so many politicians and major 
US corporations it would make most prostitutes blush!!  How much military 
pork is handed out in political deals in Congress to bolster politicians 
political standing with voters and supporters?  How many Pentagon planners 
who wish to develop expensive weapons systems are involved in connections to 
US corporations who will give money to politicians to promote the government 
approval of the weapons systems in question, which will allow the same 
corporations to get billion dollar defense contracts that are economic 
gravy?  Some of these same corporations that make huge profits off defense 
contracts were also the corporations who gave huge campaign donations to G. 
Bush when he was running for President, knowing full well Bush would promote 
increases in defense spending.  This is one reason Bush could outspend Gore 
during election 2000 by hundreds of millions of dollars.

So here we trace the promotion of the Republican party to interests in the 
Pentagon and major US corporations who get military contracts.  No big 
surprise, really.

It was also no secret that Bill Clinton was hated by many powerful people in 
the military, who worked to undermine his Presidency and prevent Gore from 
being elected President.

The military is "apolitical?"

Please don't think I am making light of the real sacrifices of life and limb 
in the military, especially the rank and file soldiers who do as they are 
ordered, often for low pay.  They are getting screwed by the rich corporate 
fat cats, and many politicians also, who all milk the American taxpayer for 
tax supported military pork, just as well as the rest of us.


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