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re: peace march announced

Why are some upset that the peace marchers are starting at the ROTC 
building?  I'm not an organizer of this event, but I see nothing wrong with 
wanting to show folks who may be fighting a war that fellow citizens are 
organized to promote peace and to prevent soldiers from dyeing.  Perhaps 
some soldiers want to go to Iraq, but those that don't deserve to know that 
they are supported, too, and that fellow citizens are organized to keep them 

Perhaps the intent of the march is to link the ROTC and the Federal Building 
with intentions of peace, rather than war.  I see nothing wrong with that.
If the marchers didn't respect the folks in uniform, I doubt that they would 
care that these folks could be facing death.  It is possible to want peace 
and respect those willing to die for freedom.

As somebody who knows at least one person who will be sent to Iraq, I want 
our "leaders" to know that citizens are not complacent in allowing what may 
be an unnecessary military action.  This person has known for about a year 
that he'll be stationed in Iraq.  Obviously, this plan has been around for 

Saddam is a maniac.  If I were an Iraqi I'd want him ousted.  But the fact 
that our "oily" leaders have more than regime change in mind, namely, access 
to Iraqi oil fields, I question the integrity of their motives.  I don't 
want my brother in-law to fight and face death to free the oil fields for 
some greedy people.

If folks don't organize for peace, then war is inevitable.  I doubt it is 
just "progressives" who are marching for peace.  This is something we should 
all be concerned about.

Garrett Clevenger

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