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Re: Unalienable Rights..., rising up slowly, strings, muted... something like
John Williams.... or Gerry Goldsmith, on a patriotic theme...
maybe Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory of.......'

> It is to secure those rights that soldiers bled in the snow at Valley 
> Forge, and fought a revolution.  Without those soldiers, ragged and 

violin tremolo...
brass enter, deep strings and bass drum in military rhythmic figures....

> poorly-armed as they were, standing up to one of the best armies in the 
> world, and their Hessian mercenaries, we would have no Constitution and 
> no Bill of Rights.

Cymbals roll, to drum/timpani downbeat. Brass rise to powerful climax.

> Again in 1812 we fought the British to keep our liberty, and it was 
> soldiers and sailors and armed militia who put their lives on the line 

Music direction: Bob Dickow

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