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At 01:54 AM 10/10/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>1. Picture in your mind's eye the two 757's going into the World Trade Center
>buildings as captured by various video cameras
>2) Picture what a mushroom cloud where Washington DC use to be would look
>like on the evening news

It is much easier to picture this type of devastation happening to Baghdad, 
as the U.S. already has the weapons to bring it about, and already has 
stated its willingness to do this.  George Bush is the demon who he claims 
to battle.

It is also easier for me to imagine George Bush and his successors, with or 
without optional toothbrush moustache, bombing one small country after 
another on the basis of preemptive defense with no credible fear of 
retribution.  In such cases, we need not delude ourselves by using the word 
"war."  When your enemy has no viable means to defend itself, it is not 
war, it is massacre.

Bob Hoffmann
820 S. Logan St.
Moscow, ID  83843

Tel: 208 883-0642

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