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At 08:00 AM 10/11/2002 -0700, Carl Westberg wrote:
>Now that Congress has given President Bush permission to go it alone in 
>deciding to introduce military action in Iraq, the administration would be 
>very wise to consider the results of the election in Pakistan yesterday.

I'm not sure if this isn't all in the formula.  With a U.S. defense budget 
approx. 8 times larger than the next ten largest militaries, I believe that 
the U.S. attitude is "what we screw up with bombs today, we will set right 
with bombs tomorrow."  So what if we drive Pakistan into the arms of 
anti-Western forces?  If we can bomb Iraq for wanting the A-bomb, it's a 
much easier justification to bomb Pakistan for already having it!  And what 
about those Iranians?  They are becoming a more powerful influence in the 
region, and since their murderous government no longer wears a suit and 
tie, it's very easy to show unflattering pictures of them on the news, and 
bomb them next!  Every domino that we cause to fall through the tremors of 
war, we will simply bomb into oblivion!

Bob Hoffmann
820 S. Logan St.
Moscow, ID  83843

Tel: 208 883-0642

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