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Re: Moscow's water policy

In a message dated 8/28/02 11:40:20 AM, writes:

<< Potable water should be available for all residents, by some means that is
not dependent on ability to pay high water rates.  This could be
accomplished with a tiered system where an initial quantity of residential
water use each month is set at one price and water use that goes over the
suggested "basic water needs" amount is set at a higher level. >>

Pam, I disagree with an initial basic amount for a set fee.  That only 
encourages people to use up to the base quanity since they are going to have 
to pay for it whether they use it or not.   Moscow's zero base with every 
gallon used being billed is the most fair method to all and the method that, 
through cost, encourages less use.  The less one uses the less they pay.  

Walter Steed

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