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Re: public nudity sample vote?

Mr. Tom Hansen,

> it may also be "appropriate" to ask "Do you feel that 
> women should have the right to choose in Moscow?"  

You are right, surveys are difficult to put together and the language
can almost always be misconstrued; as we are finding out regarding
the any language in any legal document.

But the "appropriate" question you write above is way too vague. Taken 
at face value, I believe that women should have the right to choose which 
restaurant they want to solicit; but I dont think women have the right
to choose whether they will yell fire in a movie theatre if a fire 
doesnt exist just to watch the ensuing panic.

I am not sure a survey would be worth the time to put it together.

It seems to me that people are just not very tolerant anymore. They lack
the compassion to understand other peoples feelings and beliefs, and
instead want to force their opinion on everyone else. 

Just my $.02 worth.

John Harrell

--- wrote:
> Greetings Visionaires -
> Walter Steed stated:
> > How about also having a question such as "Do you approve of a topless car 
> > wash in Moscow?" or broader yet, "Do you approve of female toplessness in 
> > public in Moscow?" and thus getting an opinion different from whether or not 
> > people just approve/disapprove of the ordinance's particular language?
> I feel that a true survey is as generic as possible.  It would not be right to 
> have "slanted" questions in a sample survey.  If the above questions were 
> included in the survey, it may also be "appropriate" to ask "Do you feel that 
> women should have the right to choose in Moscow?"  To avoid any skirmishing, 
> keep it basic.
> Thanks again,
> Tom Hansen
> Moscow, Idaho
> ---------------------------------------------
> This message was sent by First Step Internet.

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