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My apologies, thanks, and invitation to dinner

First, I would like to apologize to anyone who has been offended by my last few posts.  Some of my words were a defensive response to feeling repressed.  I don't mean to attack or condemn anyone, just express my views.

Second, I want to thank Lucy Zoe for reminding me that being a city council person is a thankless job.  I appreciate that and thank anybody willing to take the time to perform civic duties.  So, thank you, city council members for your job.  Though I may not agree with all your decisions, I honor your desire to stand for your convictions.

I also thank all the teachers who are surrogate parents, helping to educate our youth.  I thank all the farmers who grow our tasty food (I thank God it's blueberry season!)  I thank all the police officers who uphold the law, though I may not agree with all the laws.  I thank Moscow that a topless woman is our threat, not gangs and the like.  I thank all the volunteers who allow non-profit community groups to help enrich our town...I'll end by thanking those who founded vision2020 which allows me to thank people I probably would never get a chance to thank otherwise.

Third, I extend an invitation to dinner to someone on this list who I don't understand.  Perhaps Douglas Wilson would allow me to cook him dinner.  If we are both willing to communicate, I'd Love to give us the opportunity to learn about each other.  Though we may not believe each others beliefs, perhaps communicating will give us an understanding of why we each believe what we believe.  This, in turn, will help us understand how diversity creates a community which can be a reflection of a harmony we have not yet achieved.

Any takers?  Please email me off of this list.

May Peace prevail here, there and everywhere.

Garrett Clevenger

"What are we doing to our Home?!:("

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