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Two world wars and still topless

Well, now I'm confused.  First the Trinity worked its way into this 
conversation, though the last time I counted breasts, most people had a 
maximum of two.  And now Doug Wilson has written something to the effect 
that despite lower incidences of television violence in Europe, they've had 
two world wars on that continent in the last century.  (Deleted the message; 
otherwise I'd cite it.)

If I remember correctly, the United States was involved in both of those 
wars, plus Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, the Persian Gulf, Somalia, Kosovo, and 
now Afghanistan.  (Let me know if I've missed one.)  And the new Bush 
doctrine reserves the right to strike pre-emptively anywhere else we feel a 
threat.  Whether or not we're on the side of the angels, it's of course 
ridiculous to talk about television violence or the lack thereof in relation 
to WWI or II.  When Gavrillo Princeps shot Archduke Francis Ferdinand, there 
was no live coverage on CNN.

Europe, Gavrillo, and the Trinity aside, you don't need to argue that men 
and women are the same in order to insist that they receive equal treatment 
under the law.  I am, like Debi, a shirts-for-all sort of person; if you 
require covers for women, then require them for men.  When I'm shopping at 
the farmer's market on hot summer day, I don't want to look at a parade of 
hairy pecs.  It puts me off buying lettuce.

The solution I've adopted is to avert my eyes.  As no one has appointed me 
the good taste police, I wouldn't presume tell anyone to put his/her shirt 
on.  Free air time for many gendered breasts of Moscow . . . I'm willing to 
draft the petition.

Joan "Auntie Establishment" Opyr

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