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Re: Public Nudity - Our Community

Mr. Kronemann said:
Another issue that I'd like to bring up is the lobbying of some people to
re-establish an environment of apathy.  To just let these things slide
into silence and to ignore them.  As I have stated above, there are more
issues at stake here and ignoring something never made it go away.
Ignoring something never helps the victim but the aggressors.  I'm
saddened to see that feminist issues are "a silly debate" and not
I didn't realize that a topless car wash was a feminist issue.  I also didn't realize that the washers were victims.  Victims of what?  Harsh detergents?
It is silly.  It should have been ignored.  All we have are some young ladies (and some of their male friends who I saw holding the signs advertising) looking for some attention and to stir the poo.  Just like the first time this issue hit the fan, so to speak.
Religious zealots on one side, Liberal zealots on the other.  I think the majority of us here in the middle (or at least not at either extreme) are the ones that find this all such a joke.  Waste all the time you want on it (protesting it or supporting it), just don't cause it to cost the rest of us taxpayers who realize just how asanine the whole thing is.
Dan Carscallen

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