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Re: One Woman's View On The Topless Issue

Mr. Dickinson, in response to a posting by Mr Kronemann said -

Hey, Daniel:

Don't you think you are demeaning women by popping off so much on the 
topless issue? Your constant postings imply that the women of our community 
are incapable of getting their feelings off their chests for themselves, and 
that they need you, a mere male, to speak for them. Don't you think you 
should back off?


I agree with Mr. Dickinson that women should have the strongest voice on 
this subject.  I believe we should let <them> decide what to wear.   If 
society disapproves of the way they dress, in the vast majority of cases 
they will be uncomfortable and change.  I can't see any sense having a 
policeman measuring women's chest coverings to decide if they meet some 
arbitrary standard.

Having to see people of whom you disapprove is one of the prices of a free 
society.  No one says you have to deal with them.

My basic belief is that the law should judge people by their actions, not 
their appearance.  Society, either religious or secular, can choose not to 
deal with people whose appearance they dislike.  Merchants can choose not to 
serve them.

The law should be neutral.

Mike Finkbiner

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