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RE: Beware, extreme feminism

Daniel says: *snip* We have made it degrading to be a woman, so any man
who is "woman-like" is attacked in every meaning of the word. *snip*

We Kimosabe? Speak for yourself. I find it very rewarding
to be a woman, and I try to stay away from people and situations
that attempt to degrade women. I love having breasts, most
likely as much as you enjoy the parts you have, but that
doesn't mean I feel reduced in value because I choose to
limit who I show them to. Let's be you really think 
those women showed their breasts because they wanted to
"be like Mike?" They raked in the bucks while everyone
debated their motivation. If they really wanted to be "the same"
as men when they took off their tops, they wouldn't have 
gotten any press and they wouldn't have made a dime. 
Needless to say, they laughed all the way to the bank and
took great delight in their difference.

That leap between degrading women and attacking "women-like"
men was quite a gigantic one.

Lucy Zoe

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