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Don't you love me Daisy?

Well, my innocence is shattered. I question my faith in the god of
tolerance. I may even blaspheme her later if I get really worked up. It
turns out that three postings is all it takes to close an open mind.
    Some friend of mine out there tried to be tricky with a computer and
put in an unsubscription request on my behalf.

>You have been removed from the list

>Transcript of unsubscription request follows:
>Subject: unsubscribe

    I'm not sure which is greater, the intolerance, or the incompetence
of the thing. My removal notice was followed by one that read:

>You have not been removed, I couldn't find your name on the list.

   While perhaps I should wipe my sweaty brow in sheer relief that my
excommunication did not go through. Instead, I am hurt. I am super,
super hurt. I grieve at the insensitivity. There is no enviable seat in
the tent of tolerance for me. "They don't like me." I say to myself,
with hanging head. "Why can't they just accept me for who I am?" Is it
because I'm Jewish? Scottish? Black? Is this the hate-crime of some
lonely, unloved ethnocentrist?
    You people are fun.


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