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RE: Wilson's Kid on Government Schools

At 04:29 PM 6/28/2002 -0700, Dale Courtney wrote:
>Our government educational system performs poorly at all levels. As one
>indication, colleges must provide remedial instruction for a
>disturbingly large fraction of entering students.

Consider also that the U.S. has higher levels of poverty than other 
industrialized nations.  This affects not only education (hard to learn on 
an empty stomach), but things such as health care.  Some inner cities have 
child mortality rates rivaling that of third world nations.  As long as our 
system promotes such a separation of wealth, we can expect a continuation 
of an education gap, child mortality gap, health care gap, etc.

Bob Hoffmann
846 Mabelle St.
Moscow, ID  83843

Tel: 208 883-0642

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