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RE: Topless Gratitude

A BIG touche' for Auntie E.

I believe that it is also safe to assume that not only will you not hear
Leslie Gore's "You Don't Own Me" trumpeting from Mr Wilson's abode, we may
also assume that he has never heard Helen Reddy's "I am Woman" in its
entirity, at least not without making his sexist editorial comments.

Free to be you and me,

Tom Hansen

-----Original Message-----
From: Joan Opyr []
Sent: Sunday, June 30, 2002 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: Topless Gratitude

Nate Wilson wrote:

>Beauty in union between man and woman comes in possession. She
>possesses him, and he her. But when mutual possession disappears we
>enter the barbarism of pure tribal life, and the beauty of the breast >is
>trampled, along with many other things, underfoot. When breasts are >free
>for the taking, touching or watching of any man, then they are no >longer
>possessed by any one man. They are instead possessed by men >generally.

When I read this, Nate, for some reason I picture you making a future
appearance on "America's Most Wanted."  Possessed by one man?  Isn't this
the old Madonna/whore dichotomy once used to such devastating but ill effect
by the defense in rape trials?  Ah, wait, I see that it is . . .

>Which is to say that women generally are then possessed by men
>generally, and no men are possessed by women in return. This of course
>wanders down the path to concubines, rape, lip-plates, or any other
>exploitation you please. It’s like taking a beautiful garden path and
>putting all of it in the street by the corner of A and Asbury.

So why not take a leaf from the Taliban's book?  Cover those faces, hide
that hair, put that woman in the house and paint over the windows: get that
property off the street!

>Moral of the story: public bathrooms are the dirtiest.

Women are not toilets.  They are neither locked and clean executive
washrooms nor wretched open pissoirs.  A chill wind blows through your
breezy contempt for women, and it carries with it a whiff of 'The Handmaid's
Tale.'  If the Bible is indeed the foundation of your morality, then you'll
know that Jesus took his glass of water from the woman at the well, not from
the Pharisee.  The meanest hooker on the Vegas strip is fully your equal
before G-d, Nate, just as she's mine, your mother's, and Laura Bush's.

Public policy should not be made in deference to the religious opinion that
all women are someone's property.  (And if you think it should, Lesley Gore
has a little song she'd like to sing to you.  She's been singing "You Don't
Own Me" since 1963--you'd think she could stop by now.)

I'd rather laugh than cry, but at the moment I'm just revolted.

--Auntie Establishment

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