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RE: Reply to Bill Strand's Concern

Well, my experience is just with the one list serve but the topic was, if
anything, more incendary than this one and the lines in the sand were even
more sharply drawn.  The rule was stated just as I did here and with the
exception of one truely impressive hissy fit, it went down just as I
described it.  

What you are suggesting, and BTW, the concept is not wrong, is that this
group have a moderator to make those calls and say, "hey, take it off line!"
We didn't have one and no one was willing to volunteer.  I don't think this
is a moderated list.  For the record, I am not volunteering.  My life
sometimes interrupts my internet habit ;-)  For me, I will make the effort
to label my posts.  Frankly, I have said all I really wish to anyway.  If
you see something coming from this address, read the label and delete or
read as you see fit, I won't be offended.  BTW, my wife also uses this
address and so some of her post occasionally come through.  Be gentle with
her as she is usually the voice of reason in this household ;-)  

For the curious, I will not give out the topic as I did this once and I have
no earthly desire to do it again ;-)


>Na. then the list would just be used to discuss the rules of using the list
>and that gets boring too.
>v2020 has a board of governors or some such, and whenever a list is usurped
>for the purposes of a single topic world, then that topic should just be
>discouraged - as in "take the discussion off the list" messages from the
>vision2020 list gods.
>And really, anyone on the list can say they think its become a single topic
>discussion, (as in I think the two topics of schools and apartment rental
>restrictions have become), then they should ask the participants of those
>discussions which are consumed by the single topic to take that discussions
>If the discussions persists, THEN the list gods must act!!!
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mark Rounds []
>Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 5:00 PM
>Subject: Reply to Bill Strand's Concern
>Your concerns are not out of line.  This was, until a few weeks ago a pretty
>benign little list serve.  However, you really can't tell someone to get off
>and use this only for its initially intended use.  I watched that happen to
>a list serve that was primarily literary in nature until someone pressed a
>an emotional hot button.  Then it got far worse than this.  The rules that
>they came up with, and that for the most part worked, was a truth in
>labeling rule.
>If you send out a response, it is your responsibility to make sure it is
>labeled properly and covers the subject at hand.  then these things can be
>dealt with by using the delete key.  Those that want to hijack an audience
>get bounced for breaking the truth in labeling rule, not for their various
>stands.  Part of the freedom of speech issue is the right not to listen ;-)
>If the posts stay properly labeled, most folks hit the delete key and the
>problem pretty much goes away.  Those folks that have an axe to grind can
>hack away at each other.
>It works but we all have to agree to make it work.  It still takes some
>Mark Rounds

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