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RE: Reply to Bill Strand's Concern

A concept I completely agree with and have put my life multiple times on the
line to defend.


At 05:09 PM 6/24/02 -0700, Tom Hansen wrote:
>As one great American so aptly put it, "I may not agree with what you have
>to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mark Rounds []
>Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 5:00 PM
>Subject: Reply to Bill Strand's Concern
>Your concerns are not out of line.  This was, until a few weeks ago a pretty
>benign little list serve.  However, you really can't tell someone to get off
>and use this only for its initially intended use.  I watched that happen to
>a list serve that was primarily literary in nature until someone pressed a
>an emotional hot button.  Then it got far worse than this.  The rules that
>they came up with, and that for the most part worked, was a truth in
>labeling rule.
>If you send out a response, it is your responsibility to make sure it is
>labeled properly and covers the subject at hand.  then these things can be
>dealt with by using the delete key.  Those that want to hijack an audience
>get bounced for breaking the truth in labeling rule, not for their various
>stands.  Part of the freedom of speech issue is the right not to listen ;-)
>If the posts stay properly labeled, most folks hit the delete key and the
>problem pretty much goes away.  Those folks that have an axe to grind can
>hack away at each other.
>It works but we all have to agree to make it work.  It still takes some
>Mark Rounds

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