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Re: US 95

 Doug....Don't fence me in ; )

Issues over "property" are in the same areas as race and religion in my opinion.

Plurality and Property will, for a long time, work havoc on human thought.

My three short answers today are: 

 1. I suspect that's a picture of  some stolen Palouse and Nez Pierce land.

2. Yes the "Owner/s"  Can build their own road/s or not. ( here's the but) As a perspective public "buyer"  and future collective owner of said property though, I am not interested in the least in buying the pieces located in the area where the present occupier is possibly willing to sell. (Cheap swamp land in Idaho) or the state Cabbala is trying to buy for us all.  "The Owner" is not building the road. We are. It is not just up to them to defend or embrace. Not even that simple.

3. Obviously the wire was made from a mountain that lost its hiny and has become pressed into service as a slave for some farmer and there it strands. So what. What about the Moose? It would not press like bugs on a windshield.

I will for fairness write up a more pertinent to your question piece as you have hit on something fundamental....and... Thank you for responding.

David Sarff


>Hi David,
>I was just wondering about the picture. What is the line of stuff in the
>foreground? To me it looks like barbed wire. I was wondering if that is
>a deterrent to the poor animal that longs to be on the other side.
>And who had the authority to put the wire up in the first place? was it
>not the owner of the land. and could not the owners of all the land from
>here to the grade decide to put a road on their property with out your
>permission have that right?
>Therefore it is up to them to stop this future road, not those who do
>not own the land.
>Just a thought (albeit a small one)
>Doug Farris

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