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Re: US 95



>You said;


>< A. We can vote on the School stuff, so its Not the same.


>Do we vote on the 47% of tax revenue that the state just gives to the

>school system? or do we elect officials to give them that money.


>I elect officials that put the reins on that type of spending and I try

>to vote out those who do not.


>So it is the same. You can vote for officials that spend state money the

>way you want it spent.


>It is the very same! You can choose not to put your car on the new state

>funded road and drive down the county unimproved road if you like.

>Paying extra for tires and gas that you could have saved by sending your

>"car" to the state road...


>Not with my "car" you don't.


>Have a good day




Good night.

OK this is good… Not the end either. Except for the fate of the road. I'll concede that it's a Done Deal.

You have left something out.

I would like to have had you address my concept of a faster route. But, maybe reposting that would conflict with the related part of your last statement.

It’s a Fed funded road by the way, This part anyway.

You would also be wrong if you think I don't want an improvement in the road. ESP safety. Better safe than fast. Or would you suggest the schools teach otherwise.

As it happens the new route will create 3 more miles of  vastly less maintained county road for my most wonderful "and defendable against all comers on this issue" health plagued wife Kim, to brave through in winter. Certainly will increase her odds of trouble (unless we are somehow in Arizona by then). It will add at least 6 miles to a trip to Lewiston just to have to pass this house again.

County taxes will go to maintain old 95…..You might just pay more too ; ) If you live in the county.

I'll leave you to consider money, I will talk principal or policy. We principally live in a Democratic Republic. ...Maybe it is, a Money Republic now. 

It seems to me that we have had local Public vote for local school funding . That to me is strongly democratic.

You seem to be talking about Representatives voting for us. That is strongly Republic oriented.

Both parts of the same system. I don't mind living with the combination . Maybe you don't like one side of the combination. Maybe would prefer to have the combi-Nation gone.

Don't like having a majority of local folks deciding local public school or road oriented funding or policy? Might you prefer public interest decisions made only by elected (or appointed ) official/s in all cases?

Conflict example: I should not do this…

At least one of the county reps is a landowner next to the present 95 route, would be affected if We stay on existing route. Also, is related to one or more of the cooperative Ridge owners some that also live on the present highway. Many of these are people I have known for a long time and admire very much. But, it seems rather nepotism like to me. They can't help where they live but do influence. A few years back I stood with a couple of them and 3 state "employees " As we all looked over the ridge route the first time. They made up all of our minds right then and there. It was a Done Deal. That kind of action bothers me a whole lot.   So... Something on the order of a broader" public participation could in this case relieve the situation from of that kind of conflict .

A state web site for public input for would have been good. I did suggest one like Coeur D Alene (Dist 1) has on the ITD web site. The likes of which has little to nothing on Mosc, Gen n Lewiston . Seemingly because Dist. 2 interprets some policy differently. Is there any local public vote power in separate highway districts….I really don't remember any. How about public school districts? Seems to me... Your sameness statements are not quite so right on. But, I'm willing to be wrong. Bring on some more info…

The decision to "fund" this project was made in D.Cc as a "Demonstration project"

As I recall "Moscow/Latah officials" and some multitude of people (when asked for their wishes by State trans. folks) requested a bypass with realignment.... Local government. A better thing I think.

I agree with that original request. This whole thing runs against it. Heck , Sandpoint got the bypass they asked for.

One elected person far away in D.C. (Mr. Kempthorn) did not measure very well. Good thing he is a short timer.

Some of what District # 1 has done for the public is good . Too bad we are # 2.

Thickly layered, Non-elected Government deciding Education, Transport and many other public issues is problematic. (We do seem to find sameness in that I trust)

When ever any non-elected Gov. employees, work their wishes and make decisions for the public in compliance with the wishes of non-elected property owners. Democratic Representative Government (the Republic) is completely hamstrung. It would be the same as if the State let School Boards  picked a site with only construction location property owners, for the location for a new school and left the community (the demos) out.

In this case some very good State Highway dept. employees (you could compare them to teachers if you like) are going to show us what they plan to do for us and put on at a little fair for the public (demos).

Are you implying to all citizens that only property owners have legitimacy over deciding route location in spite of this public gathering? I concede that you are correct in reality but not in principal.

Are you overall for Property owners making public decisions without the public (Demos)?… A Monarchy ?

Overall, I personally would choose HOPI but we can't even get there from here.

David Sarff

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