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Re: confused

Well I think you've answered your own question.  There is no money for
raises.  Wouldn't that make you mad?  And how do you know they "knew"
there would be no money for raises?  And maybe it was one of those choices
that wasn't really a choice.  You know, defeat the levy on the principle
that there is no money for raises, or endorse the levy so there is still a
school to teach at.  Simply put:  Under valued job vs. no job  Not exactly
a choice.

On Thu, 20 Jun 2002, John Danahy wrote:

> Can someone explain why the teachers/MEA are unhappy and feel that the
> community does not appreciate them.  We just passed a 1.1 million dollar
> levy increase, designed to keep teacher jobs and class sizes, and yet they
> are unhappy.  They endorsed the levy increase knowing it had no money for
> raises, and endorsed the budget that would result form the levy passing also
> knowing it had no money for raises.  Yet now they are unhappy that there is
> no money for raises.
> I just don't understand.
> John Danahy

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