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Do I have to rent to a homosexual?

The discussion about "who do I have to rent to," is missing a very important 
point.   Being a homosexual is not a choice.  I believe that homosexuality 
is in fact a trait or condition such as hair color or which hand you 
automatically use to write with.  A homosexual can decide not to engage in 
homosexual acts, but that does not make them heterosexual and by the same 
token a heterosexual can decide to engage in homosexual acts, but that does 
not make them a homosexual.
   Homosexuality has been with humans since there have been humans and other 
primates also exhibit this trait -- it is natural.  And what comes to us 
naturally can hardly be considered a sin or even abnormal.    The worst that 
can be said is that homosexuality is a minority trait, just as being 
left-handed is.   I cannot understand why people spend so much energy hating 
other people that just happen to be different than they are -- or perhaps 
people see themselves in other people who are different and are afraid.  I 
don't know the answers, but I do know that a person who is intolerant of 
anyone who is different than they are is a bigot.  And a bigot is a bigot 
regardless of their sexual orientation or their religion or which hand they 
write with.
   One really good answer to this dilemma we seem to be in is the very old 
and very common suggestion to just love you neighbor.
                            Love to all, Jim

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