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Re: your mail

> Melynda writes: "Moscow, Latah County, and the state of Idaho offer
> little protection for those citizens who are gay or lesbian: there are no
> laws or policies protecting our employment, our housing, or our families.
> We can be fired or evicted without any other cause than our sexual
> orientation . . ."
> As a case in point: Notice that she is actually calling for laws that
> would force the elderly Lutheran widow Schwartz to rent out her apartment
> to a homosexual couple. I understand why you would do this (imposing
> morality is inescapable). All law is imposed morality. The only question
> is which morality shall be imposed. You are currently imposing your
> morality on us.  What I don't understand is why you all can't see that
> this is what you are doing.

Nope I don't see the advocation of laws forcing anyone to rent anything to
anyone in particular.  What she advocates is that law are created
preventing someone from being fired, being harrassed, being evicted
because Bob and Ted and their son Jason (you put a human face on your
example, but neglected to put human faces on the homosexual couple, so
I'll aid you in this simple and I'm sure unintentional oversight of yours
and I will put one of my own) don't believe the exactly same things or go
to the same church as the dear little old Lutheran widow Schwartz.  As
long as Bob and Ted aren't destroying the place and take care of it as it
would state in the lease and are not in violation of anything in the
lease, what cause would the little old Lutheran widow Schwartz have to
evict them?  Maybe the little old Lutheran widow Schwartz would like to
come over to Bob and Ted's and be sort of like a grandmother to their
child?  Maybe Bob (who is a doctor) could make sure the little old
Lutheran widow Schwartz is getting her heart medication she needs every
day and doesn't forget?  Maybe the little old Lutheran widow Schwartz
could help Ted get the best deals at the grocery store, because she likes
to make sure Jason has the best meals?  Or maybe she'd like to cook for
them, make Jason cookies?  Maybe she could invite them to church?  Maybe
they could help her with some yard work?   Hmmm, the possibilities are
endless when you let go of your prejudices.

> So things may change sometime centuries down the road. But when this
> happens, you need to know that both believers and non-believers would
> have a great deal more freedom in their lives than they currently do.

I hope for this ideal too.



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