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rumor control, Fred Phelps, modernity, etc.

Dear Visionaries:

On this list, Doug Wilson, Doug Jones, and other men-folk of Christ Church 
declaim their views with a seeming good humor and bonhomie that reminds me 
rather of Foghorn Leghorn.  (“That was a joke, son, a yuck, a funny, a 
ha-ha.  Get it?”)  Alas, I fear that they are really more like Wile E. 
Coyote.  Around the corner, just above that big pile of birdseed, is a 
sixteen-ton weight—it’s called Credenda Agenda.

Some highlights from the agenda behind that credenda:

Why women should not have the right to vote:
(Possible subtitle: “How to make the United States more like Saudi Arabia.”)

The Confederacy as the last truly Christian nation:
(Translation: “Mammy had it good.”)

Advice on how to keep the little woman up to the mark in her housework, body 
weight, and sexual enthusiasm:
(Or: “Browbeat your way to a heavenly household.”)

Why bother with rumors, quizzes, or circular reasoning that masquerades as 
theological debate?  Do the reading and see if Credenda Agenda meshes with 
your 2020 vision for Moscow.

"Modernity" is a straw man--created, defined, and repeatedly knocked down in 
place of genuine substantive debate.

Auntie Establishment

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