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Re: interesting read!

>Violence makes things simple, because it is wrong,
>and we know it is wrong

This is SO wrong.  Shabab?  Are you reading these things?

Sometimes violence is the ONLY solution.  I know people like to think that
everyone is civilized and such, but the plain truth is that there are people
who respect violence.  The only answer to them is violence.  Anyone who
doesn't believe this is just being stupid.

You can analyze it this way:  If Bob is bigger than everybody, he can kick
everybody's butt.  The only way to take Bob out of the picture is for
several smaller people to gang up on Bob.

There ARE Bob's in this world.  Eventually it becomes necessary to kick
Bob's butt.

The rest of the article is simple crap.  Statistical analysis of human
suffering?  The downside of human intelligence is that we like to have plush
lives.  If you look to the animal kingdom for the type of Justice that this
article seeks to promote, you DO NOT find it.  Humans suffer a similar

Saving 5,000 Africans every single day through the use of drugs?  I have to
admit ignorance here, but are those people in areas where they have food to
sustain such sudden increased in population?  The author advances drugs as
the simple solution, but the problems are MUCH greater.  Makes for good
press however.  She'll get tenure for sure...  And that's what it's all
about anyway.

>the deep division between rich and poor
>which we think of as the North and the South

That's a racial invocation if I've ever heard one...  Oh well, whatever
advances the author's agenda.

>The parts of the body deprived of resources become
>atrophied, those body parts don't function. As long as
>the unbalanced distribution of nutrients is not treated,
>the disease will get worse.

More bullshit.  Many areas of the Earth would THRIVE if man was suddenly
eliminated.  The author's view is hopelessly skewed.  Areas of the Earth
would fail to function if humans were gone?  Lord.  The whole Earth would
generally be better if Man was suddenly extinguished...

If Disney Studios was run by idiots they would publish this sort of drivel.
Man does NOT peacefully coexist with Man.  We can see that within our own
Moscow.  Walmart and such versus the Mom and Pop store.  Drunk drivers
versus innocent people.  The neighbor throwing a party versus Ward Cleaver.

Man is a driven creature.  We compete against other people.  That is how it
works.  History attests to this.  I don't see it changing, and the dreamers
who see it changing are tilting at windmills.


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